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GIS Mapping

Detailed maps can be produced for any project. Specifically, CJ Biomonitoring has created nesting bird maps for several projects with bird buffers as well as detailed maps for biological resources in relation to proposed impacts from construction. 

General Construction

Monitoring of heavy equipment on small and large-scale projects to comply with permit conditions.


Ensure compliance with any permit condition including nesting birds, storm water runoff, and species specific surveys/monitoring.

Nesting Bird

Including Least bell’s vireo and California gnatcatcher - special status species nesting bird surveys and nest monitoring.

Camera Trap Studies

Focused and large-scale projects have been successfully carried out in both natural and urban habitats. Biologists are skilled at hiding the equipment to ensure unnecessary expenditures aren’t made.

Biological Habitat

Experience in biological assessments and inventories in sensitive habitat throughout the Los Angeles and Santa Barbara counties. . 

Cowbird Trapping Projects

Small and large-scale trapping projects are offered throughout Southern California. The team can design a budget for any project as well as build the cowbird traps needed for the project.

Habitat Restoration

Preparation of detailed habitat restoration and implementation reports for various clients in Los Angeles and Orange counties. Knowledge of plant life suitable for various on site conditions to optimize restoration efforts. 

Special Status Species

CJ Biomonitoring employs various biologists  with a wealth of special-status species knowledge allowing the team to complete habitat assessments as well as focused surveys. 



CJ Biomonitoring is a small, women-owned consulting firm that utilizes a network of highly qualified biologists to help perform various work in Southern California. While the breadth of projects that CJ Biomonitoring has performed may be small,  the projects that the biologists have successfully completed are exhaustive. We employ consultants in Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Diego and Orange County that are prepared to provide excellent environmental consulting services. The biologists that make CJ Biomonitoring a successful firm have a history of being leaders in their field performing biological surveys and consulting on complex projects.



Profile photo Courtney M.JPG
Courtney McCammon
Owner/Wildlife Biologist

Courtney McCammon is the sole owner and principal biologist for CJ Biomonitoring. She has over ten years of experience performing a host of biological surveys in varied habitats. She has managed and conducted several biological and ecological projects in the course of her graduate studies and various professional positions.  These projects have utilized her skills in field data collection and analysis, time and schedule management, literature review, correspondence and coordination, and working in a team to successfully complete project goals. Ms. McCammon has managed several projects from start to finish including proposal writing, agency coordination, pre-construction surveys, construction monitoring, regular client check-ins, and post-construction mitigation or restoration implementation. 




For any inquiries, questions or to get a quote, please call: 949-285-7096 or fill out the following form.

Get a quote: 949-285-7096

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